Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Beautiful Life: School

Do you ever have nightmares that you are running away from something scary, but no matter how hard or fast you move it still catches up with you? You try to scream, but all the air seems let out of your lungs. Safety, which is right around the corner slips from reach, and slowly you are drawn into the evil claws of your doom.

This is precisely what back to school season feels like.

Okay, okay. I know that I am being a little dramatic (fine, a lot dramatic) but back to school season has always been somewhat of an anxiety trigger for me. The whole concept of organization, finding classes, locker combos, and the dreaded first day of school outfit sends me into a panic mode. Nightmares leak into my normally pleasant dreams, and before you know it, I'm dreaming about forgetting to wear pants the day I have to give a big presentation. Me no likey.

Even when I was young, the terrors of school shook my little brain senseless. The night before the big day I lay awake at night, eyes pried open, for fear of sleeping in too late. Once, I was so nervous that I started dry heaving on my way to the bus stop. Not the best way to start the school year in my humble opinion.

Needless to say, school with anxiety can be a daunting task.

I know a lot of my readers struggle with anxiety, so I compiled a list of things you can do to make the upcoming school year as stress free as possible. Because, who wants to worry about school, when you could be focusing on your beautiful life? Here goes nothing!

1. Buy a planner!
There is nothing worse than realizing you forgot to do your homework. Writing down your assignments due date is imperative to a stress free school year, and good grades!

2. Keep your locker clean.
Nobody wants to rummage through a mount Everest sized pile of papers just to get to their lunch. Keep your personal space clean by getting some locker organizers! Less clutter=Less anxiety.

3. Pack an emergency kit.
You never know when disaster will strike! Keep a sweatshirt to wear over lunchtime spills, ibuprofen for the occasional headache, and Band-Aids!

4. Find your classes.
One of my frequent reoccurring nightmares about school is getting lost on my way to class. In order to prevent an awkward moment, walk through your school beforehand to locate every class you have, and what room its in! Its also very helpful to have your schedule memorized, or keep it up in your locker.

5. Be yourself!
Making new friends can always be a struggle, but you don't have to change your personality to fit someone else's. You won't attract the friends you want by being a whole different person, so just embrace your silliness and be you!

6. Make a Panic Attack kit.
Keep this handy dandy kit in your locker at all times for when a catastrophe happens. Fill it with things that calm you: a reassuring note from a parent, your favorite candy, instructions for calming down, and a comfy jacket!

7. Get plenty of sleep! Drink water! Eat breakfast!
My mom is going to be proud of me for this one. :)

I hope this helps my fellow anxiety prone friends! Happy back to school season!

Any more worries about back to school? Feel free to send me an email! I would be happy to give you some advice!

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1 comment:

  1. Your suggestions are spot on and I personally endorse #7. :) You can never underestimate the power of good sleep, hydration, and diet when dealing with stress and anxiety. Follow these steps and you will be unstoppable!
