Sunday, November 15, 2015


In this life we all receive
some scars upon our skin.
While some are found on the outside,
others stay within.

He may have a battle wound,
and a heroic tale to tell,
of once upon a time when
his friend was shot, and fell.

She may have a scar from
the cancer that took her hair,
stole some breath from her hard working lungs,
and left her gasping for air.

But amid all of the physical pain
stands a girl with terrified eyes,
whose mind is racing with worry and fear,
and thoughts that she will die.

"Oh how brave!"They chant to the wounded and sick.
"Hooray!" They say to the ill.
"Hmm." They say to the girl with wide eyes.
"Just calm down and take a pill."

"Wait!" She screams!
But it is too late, the people have already gone.
They don't care about her soul rattling cries,
And leave just like the dawn.

"I'm fighting a war that stays in my head,
and I know you don't understand.
Every morning and night I battle the fear,
and mend the strife at hand.

My skull is a barricade,
keeping the warfare shut inside.
Believe me, I have plenty of scars
They are just too easy to hide."

Her words float into silence,
reaching no listening ear.
How can someone be praised for courage,
when no one is there to hear?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Climbing Trees and Epiphanies.

Ever since I was little, I loved climbing trees. It gave me a sense of euphoric happiness and a rush of adrenaline as I reached the top. Each branch seemed like an adventure waiting to happen, and let me tell you, I was all about adventure.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to experience these feelings all over again. The knotty texture of the wood pushed into the smooth parts of my hands, the leaves rustled in my face, and the tips of my fingers grew cold as I did something I hadn't for a really long time.

Long story short, I sat in the Linden tree in my backyard for a good hour and a half.

Each branch wrapped me in its sturdy embrace, providing just enough comfort that I wanted to stay longer. It was while the tree held me that I realized something about myself.

I just want to have a completely passionate, silly, and adventurous life. So I will.

I will climb trees.
I will throw snowballs.
I will run barefoot through grass.
I will pretend.
I will splash through puddles.
I will laugh
...and laugh
...and laugh.
But also I will love
and cherish
and hope
and dream.
Because that is what I want my life to be about.
