Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beauty Is Not Found at the Makeup Counter

There it is, the cosmetics counter. Sometimes it is fun to nonchalantly  walk around the pink Barbie like isles, occasionally picking up a new eye shadow palate or lipstick. But today, you are a woman on a mission. Almost as if to prepare for the bombardment of beauty, you lower your eyes to the last shelf nearest the ground, avoiding the airbrushed advertisements up top and dive in. With a swiftness that seems to deserve angelic praise you find it! Huzzah! The mascara! You snatch it up, reveling in your success and heading towards the checkout when- "Hi mam! Is there anything I can do to help you?" You have two choices. You can either avoid looking at the way too charismatic shop assistant so you don't see the ads, or you can act like a sensible person. Decisions, decisions. Before you know it, your eyes are up, and all the images you were hoping to avoid come crashing into your brain. "No thank you." You stutter, and almost gallop to the checkout counter. Defeated, you buy the mascara and go home. That was one crazy adventure.

Okay, so we have all been through that before. Maybe its not quite as dramatic, but still, seeing pictures of Ellen DeGeneres without wrinkles is just plain scary. I mean, the woman is 57 years old! (Sorry, off topic) But the thing is that we don't have to go through that treacherous makeup trip in order to be beautiful. Time and time again I hear people use the words "I need (insert whatever makeup item you wish) to be beautiful" I hate to burst your bubble, but NOPE! You do not need any makeup to be beautiful. Sure, it can make you feel more secure or confident, but your natural self, is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen!

To clarify, I am not saying that makeup is terrible, or offensive in anyway, because honestly I think it is really fun! Just like any girl I enjoy getting gussied up and going out, but I also remember to take days off. Not only is it good for your skin to take a break, but it is also good for your confidence. Once you get used to not having a cake face you will realize how darn good you look without all that goop.

If you think about the process of it all, makeup is immensely strange. Think about it, "I am going to put this black stuff on my eyes, this skin colored paint on my face, and this brown powder in my eyebrows to make me look more attractive." See, its weird.

I guess what I am trying to say is that you don't need all that to be beautiful. Embrace your natural self, and don't care what everybody else thinks! I guarantee you that the world will not stop turning if you take your makeup off. There are much more catastrophic events that could occur.

Love ya!


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