Sunday, January 3, 2016


Here it is: 2016.

At the fresh start of a new year, I can’t help but feel as if I am standing on the edge of a precipice, just waiting to fall off.  Everything I have learned in the previous three-hundred and sixty-five days has brought me to this point, and I can either choose to fly, or to fall.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but still…

2015 was a great year for me, but my excitement grows as I think about all of the novel adventures I will be able to take part in during the new year.  I have big plans, people. BIG PLANS! Some of which, actually include you.

Yes, your beautiful eyes read that right. I have plans for you.

It is my pleasure to introduce something that I hope will help you recognize your true beauty, in all of its fantasmagical gloriousness.  This experience, which I hope you will join me in, will not only make you comfortable in your own skin, but also help us take a stand against societal beauty standards.
This, my friend, is NO MAKEUP MONDAY!!!!

Here is how it works:

-Every Monday wipe your face clean of all beauty products, and let your perfect imperfections shine through! It’s hard the first couple of times, especially if you are a daily makeup wearer like me!

-Upload an inspirational thought about beauty, a selfie, or even a video, on your favorite social media outlets using the hashtags #NoMakeupMonday and #BecauseIAmBeautiful. Make sure to send it to me on my Facebook page (here) so I can see all of your lovely thoughts and faces!

-Remember that you are beautiful just the way you are!

Love you!
